150424 Child abuse must stop
New Dawn FM News
Child abuse must stop according to child protection officer Donovan Tami who spoke during the Department of Law and Justice program last week.
Tami told New Dawn FM, spoke on the types of abuse which is rampant 1)physical abuse caused as a deliberate act made and seen to hurt a child.
“May involve, kicking, punching, slapping, hit them with sticks, that can injury to the physical body of the child 2) Emotional abuse stems from hurting the feelings and thoughts of a child,” he added.
Tami says this usually occurs when the child is isolated from his or her friends, stopped from playing with friends which could lead to verbal abuse by attacking them with bad words, swearing, teasing and criticising them.
He stated that negligence is also another form of abuse involving not providing a good meal, not being able to attend school due to no school fees; no good clothes to wear and being raised by a single parent.
“Another form of child abuse is exploitation when a child is used to benefit the adults,” says Tami.
Tami adds this is done by forcing a child to marry someone who is capable in looking after her family.
“Sometimes this is done to resolve land disputes occurring between two clans,” he explained.
Tami also added that others forced into child labour who are either forced to sell food or items at the market place where parents benefit.
“Some children maybe sold into prostitution at an early age to make money from them,” he adds.
Tami further added that these are some forms of abuse that is happening in the region and must be stopped. ENDS/////AK